Half.com and eBay.com
Literally stealing money from sellers Non-payment of money owed fraudulent ripoff business Salt Lake City Internet

Internet & Web

I was suspended from half.com and ebay on the grounds of opening more than one account. Considering I called half.com and asked them permission before I did so, I was understandably annoyed by this and appealed the suspension. After 3 weeks, 12 emails, and 3 phone calls, I finally received an email stating my suspension had been lifted.

This was only the beginning of my problems, however. Half.com takes the money for sales direct from the customer's credit card. It then takes a commission, and deposits the rest into the sellers bank account a relatively short while later. The sales I had made just prior to being suspended were never paid.

Upon my re-instatement, I was initially paid for the period just following the lifting of the suspension. However, the money that was owed to me for the period just prior to the suspension was skipped and never paid. Bear in mind I had shipped these items already in good faith and was out of pocket for them with half.com receiving the payments already from the buyers.

When I complained about this, it took another 10 days before they finally got back to me informing me that "because my account was unregistered at the time of payment, I would not be paid for these items until at least 60 days later" when a "review would be made" - IF I emailed them again after that date! Incredible.

I called once more and was told that the billing manager would not accept phone calls even though they were in the office at the time. I then checked my account to see how much they owed me - and found my account suspended again with no explanation!

This is a useful web site, run by a terrible company. They are more than willing to rip off both sellers and buyers due to their huge size and membership. Use them at your peril.

Provo, Utah

Company: Half.com and eBay.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8885459857
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Ebaycom has ripped us off for $960.00 and will not pay us. Suspended for no reason at all


No payment yet from half.com

Defrauds another seller out of $1587.04!

Half.com is trying to cheat me out of money

Half keeping $70,000 USD And accepting returns after 140 days of sale

Half.com By Ebay.com
Ripoff Suspended my account and is withholding over $500 in payment Half.com is a manless operated scam

Half.com - Ebay
Suspended Account - Payment Overdue 120 Days

Half.com By Ebay! Do Not Sell On Half.com / Ripped Me Off For 33, 000.00, Beware
Sold items on half.com, they wont pay me, i have proof of delivery

Suspension, suspended, suspended account, unjust account deletion, abusing ebay unjust accusation