Type-At-Home - Billy Briggs
Type-At-Home.com - Billy Briggs Work at Home Scam!

Internet & Web

According to the home page for this internet company you can request a refund with no questions or reason given.
I have requested a refund and they will not answer my email requests - and I have made several. I think they are hoping I will give up and just go away. They are wrong!

Do not waste your $49.95 on this company. They are not truthful and honest. I wish there was an honest internet company out there that would offer real work at home jobs.

Company: Type-At-Home - Billy Briggs
Country: USA
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Type At Home
Bogus Billy Briggs ripoff

Billy Briggs -Type-At-Home
Billy Briggs - Type-At-Home ripoff Not as simple as stated in ad Will not answer questions

Type At Home - Billy Briggs - Cyber Junky
TYPE AT HOME - BILLY BRIGGS - CYBER JUNKY took my $49.95 and never refunded it. Big scam!

Type At Home - Billy Briggs
Alan Beck Total Scam Will not give refund. All they do is putting me off. I have sent them 3 emails and all they do is keep telling me something else about the program ripoff

Billy Briggs, Type-at-home.com
Billy Briggs, Type-at-home.com Email now being returned from them when requesting refund! Encintos

Billy Briggs - Type-at-Home.com - USA Cyber Junky
Billy Briggs Type-at-Home.com The company's e-mail is not accessible whenever I sent my e-mails for refund of my money paid Cyber Junky, Inc., USACyber Junky, Inc., USA Cyber Junky, Inc., work at home, California Internet

Billy Briggs Type-At-Home
Billy Briggs Type At Home Rip Off Scam

Billy briggs owner of

Type-At-Home - Billy Briggs
Ripoff Total scam! They offer a 30 day money back guarentee but Won't give a Refund!

Type At Home-Billy Briggs-Cyber Junky-eSellerate E-commerce System
Type at Home Ripped Me Off work at home ripoff