Silver Coin Web Services
Misrepresented himself as a competent webmaster ripoff

Internet & Web

I recently engaged Silver Coin Web Services to create a website for my e-commerce business.

This company misrepresents itself as a technically competent American company based in Seattle, Washington. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This "Company" actually consists of one man named Srikanth in India. He took approximately 2 months to complete a 10 page website. He was unable to integrate my payment gateway and merchant account provider with my website. When test transactions failed he actually told me he didn't know what the problem was and blamed my gateway provider.

He was never able to solve this problem and deliver a fully functional e-commerce capable website.
When I terminated his services and demanded a refund I did not receive a response from him.

On the homepage of his website ( he has a bogus Seattle, Washington address and no telephone number. I could only communicate with him by e-mail. Several times he took a week or more to answer my e-mails.

The money back guarantee on his website is bogus, also. It has been two months since I fired him and demanded a refund and I have heard nothing from him since.

This company is bad news. I want to warn others so they don't make the same mistake I did. The loss of time and money, not to mention the aggravation this guy caused me in getting my business started is inexcusable. My advice to anyone looking for a website provider for his/her small business is run like hell from Silver Coin Web Services.

Company: Silver Coin Web Services
Country: USA
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