Yet another fraudulently charged card by this ripoff

Internet & Web

This is our complaint to easynews, as yet unanswered:

We had an easynews account a couple of months ago. "Auto-renew" was off at that time, and it is off at this monent. Yet you have charged our card for another month. We've just researched this problem across the net, and this is a common ploy you engage in. You will refund our money at this time. We are drafting a formal complaint to the Attorney General. We are posting this experience on &. We are filing a chargeback with our bank which will cost you $35 to process.

You are not now, nor will you ever be again, authorized to remove funds from our bank account. NO ONE has time for this nonsense. This is illegal, not to mention immoral. It's called THEFT and it makes us angry enough to really go after you. We're entering a file on RIP OFF and epinions as well. You simply can NOT pull these kinds of stunts and expect not to make life-long enemies. Your response will be posted publicly.

Reverse this charge NOW:

05/30 Debit/credit: -$9.98 Description: MC-EL DORADO SALES 602-212-9607 Reference Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX

seattle, Washington

Company: Easynews
Country: USA
Site: easynews.com
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