Scott La Plant
Imedia Technology Ripoff, Racist, Liar, Thief

Internet & Web

We are a small IT firm specializing the web development. Recently we were contacted to do a project for this person (Scott La Plant). The price agreed was $300.

We completed the first stage of the project, i.E. Converting the static HTML pages to work in wordpress, I contacted him and informed him that we had completed the first step. Even though I had requested a total of 15 days for both stages (and this part was done in about 5 days) he insulted me, calling me a 'f*ing programmer' who could not meet deadlines, and left the chat.

However, later on, he contacted me, apologized, said that he was regretting 'flying off his top', and asked me to continue working on the project. Since we had already done so much work, I foolishly decided to continue working for him.

Afterwards, he contacted me again, and asked me to send him the wordpress template so that he could install it on the his site. He agreed to pay us $100 for the work done so far. I agreed to this, and sent him the wordpress files via email. I also sent him a link to download the template.

Soon after I sent him the link, he suddenly froze the paypal payment, complaining that the template did not work on his site. Since I really did not want to give up on my hard done work, I even offered to install the template on his site. He gave me access to his site's control panel, and by using that, I was able to get the template to work (it did not work in the first place because he was unable to configure wordpress to work on his server!).

However, after I did this, he kept silent, and did not un-freeze the paypal payment. Despite my sending him several emails, he did not respond at all. I feel like a complete fools - he's got our template, and I'm not even got a cent for the work I've done.

To show just how double dealing and dishonest this guy is, take a look at the text of the complaint he sent to paypal:

"I purchased some equipment from this individual. I've since learned that it wasn't this individual that is/was the actual seller! I have spoken with the actually person via im and email and have been told that the merchandise will not be shipped because they now want more money that what was agreed upon originally and that I won't send it - thus I won't get the merchandise nor will they refund the money"

Here is the how he described this action when chatting with me: "I've started the process to cancel payment. Since I classified this payment for a product, I can do so - easily."

Crafty, isn't he? He intentionally used a method of payment that he could cancel addition, he filled a blatant lie as a complaint. When payment is classified as being for a product, it is upto the seller to provide shipping/tracking information. I had no idea of this before, and totally fell into his trap. Since I sent him the template via email, there was no way of providing shipping information!

It appears that I am not the only person he has cheated before - there are other rip off reports about him on this site (check out:

Buyers - Scott La Plant is a 'web designer'. I advise you to keep away from using his services - he does not deserve your patronage.

Coders - Don't work for this guy. Plain and Simple. He'll insult you, get you to do additional work and finally steal your work and run away without paying you!

Sri Lanka

Company: Scott La Plant
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Elizabethtown
Address: 356 Sunrise Blvd
Phone: 7178560203
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R. Bhavesh website template did not function as advertised, support is a joke, terms of use about no refunds was buried - not provided up front, demo was deceptive internet

Jetimpex, Inc, Template Monster, Internet WebDesign Template Ripoff

Template Monster,
Template Monster, Perfectory Web Design Services They sold me a template that did not work on my site and that they didnt know how to use either

Template Tuning has inexperienced programmers who cannot finish the job, no managers to help you with problems!

Template Tuning has inexperienced programmers who cannot finish the job, no managers to help you with problems!

Leo Sanchez
Consumer Report

Template Monster,
Bait and Switch SCAM

Shri Krishna Technologies
Sonal Sinha They Stole My Money And Did Not Complete The Work, The Told Me "Tough".internet

They Stole my website Template and you can see at