WLI Reservation Rewards
Coupon discount ripoff

Internet & Web

I clicked on a coupon that was a pop up from MOVIETICKETS.com They started charging my credit card account $10 a month. There was no indication that I joined this "club". Beware if you use movietickets.com. They probably get a cut of the action.

Mclean, Virginia

Company: WLI Reservation Rewards
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Shelton
Address: PO BOX 855
Phone: 8007327031
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This website links you to scams from reservation rewards and shopper discounts

Movie Tickets.com
Movietickets.com ripoff giving access to your bank account without your knowledge

WLI Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized Credit Card Charge ripoff

Movietickets.com - WLI* Reservation Rewards - WLI Travel Value Plus
Ripoff, I purchased a movie ticket for $10 online, for the next three months i got billed $18's per month. Does rewards mean charging you for nothing!

Reservation Rewards - movietickets.com
Unwantd Credit Card Charges

Reservation Rewards
Reservation Rewards Do not buy movie tickets at movieticket.com Internet

Reservation Rewards
Joined Classmates and Reservation Rewards fraudlently charged my debut card for $10.00! Ripoff Internet

Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized Charges on Credit Card for using movietickets.com

Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized debit of $11.00 per month from my Visa ripoff

WLI Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized monthly debit of $10 for 3 months