Website Design Unethical business practices, selling our business model & ideas to competitors Ripoff

Internet & Web

Web designer, Papugai (, took the ideas that we created for our e-commerce business, developed them for us, found them to be a lucrative way for THEM to make money, and then proceeded to sell our ideas directly to our competitors. They neither asked our permission, nor gave us credit. They charged us money for an expensive server that was supposed to service our company needs and have kept it and used it for other clients.
Papugai's fees for simple code changes that take a few minutes to complete, are laughably high.

To the uninitiated they seem knowledgeable, but it is all smoke and mirrors as the code on our former website was so messy, Google's search engine spiders never ranked our site for important keywords after two years on the internet.

One would hardly think you would need to sign a non-compete clause with the web designer you trust to build your brand and help you grow your business, but with Papugai, don't turn your back.

Company: Papugai
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Bellevue
Phone: 4252830400
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Papugai Web Design is Deceptive, Unethical, and Untrustworthy

Affordable Programmers - NAZIA Saheen and HINA
Be aware of this company Hiring a Web Programmer (PAKASTANI SCAMMERS) Nazia Shaheen

Symantec Norton
Raided bank account for $42.79 on 12/18/07 with no contact from me or my approval

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Bill Klein This Search Engine Company is a Scam. They charge you for services not delivered. Be carefull they Make promises that you will make so much money for their work but all they do is take your money lutz

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Biased search engine listings. They're keeping honest businesses from succeeding. Unethical! Rip-off!