UnclaimedCash.com - PayPal
Deceptive and Deceiving, Ripoff, Doesnt Deliver What they Advertise At All!

Internet & Web

I found this company while searching for my deceast fathers accounts that could help my disabled mother who I care for. They suck you in by giving you a free search of there data base.

Just type in your name or your friends name. I typed in exact names and the web site came back with large dallar amounts that might belong to my friends or family. Now I understand that alot of people have the same names and this might not be my relative or friend, but when I bought access for 30 days to use this account and look up the exact names I had typed in Guess What? They dont even have the exact name that had popped up that they said they have??? Not even close. They give you initials or names that come close to what you might be looking for. I couldnt beleive it!

Now how many people do ya know with the name Velma Samuel Adkins? Thats my sweet deceased uncle and thats a very unique name I typed it in before I paid $12.99 and it came back with his name and the amount of $262.56 unclaimed cash.

When I paid $12.99 and looked at the data base there was no Velma samuel Adkins and there was nothing about my father that it popped up this large cash unclaimed before I paid for it! They suck you in then dont give you what you pay for plus after I saw I was ripped off I had a hard time finding any contact information to express my disapproval.

I couldnt find a phone number anywhere. I did cancil this subscription just a few hours after I paid for it but guess what I had to go back threw pay pal to send an email canciling it. Also I was charged more than $12.99 threw pay pal to buy it.

You have to go threw pay pal who claims to charge just $1.95 to use your own funds then ontop of that I got charged almost $5.00 to use pay pal. What a RipOff!!

Company: UnclaimedCash.com - PayPal
Country: USA
Site: cashunclaimed.com
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Consumer Report

Bill Mcintosh - CashUnclaimed.com
Www.CashUnclaimed.com Bill Mcintosh ripoff-misleading, scam, do not respond to these e-mails and do not pay your money! Blank

National Wholesale Company Inc
NWC INC ripoff big promices alot of lies. Methuem

Net Detective
Information incorrect incomplete time consuming Ripoff DeLand Florida

Total Scam

A wk after I set up my profile I subscribed, I replied to emails that night. Next morn my profile was gone and I couldnt log back on. So I made up another email address and got on that way. If you So

Given Right preys on adoptees by stealing your money, lying to you, refusing to respond to emails or phone calls

NCO Financial Systems, Inc
Debt collection, impossible to contact for arrangements or verification Ripoff

Can not get on there cite even though they have taken my payment 2 times Pennsylvania

Everse number database
Consumer Report