Famous Poets Society

Internet & Web

Just a few years ago I received a letter from the famous poets society stating I was selected to go to Reno for a poetry convention. I was only 17 at the time so I worked hard to get the $795 to go to Reno with my mom. I ended up not being able to go and my mother contacted the famous poets society to tell them I wanted a refund.

We called on the last day refunds were to be given. The lady we talked to Martha or Marsha said my check would arrive in 6 weeks. I waited and waited. Well we called again and stated we never received the check. The woman we talked to said they had a signed check that I cashed just one month before.

It was weird because it hadn't even been a month since I called about the refund. That was $795 that I lost. I still try to get ahold of them to get a copy of the check so I can follow up on it. No one ever returns my calls or wants to speak with me about it. I am always told the "guy" I need to talk to is out of the office.

I want something to be done about this. I will call everyday like I have been until I can talk to someone about this matter. It is ridiculous that some people are able to scam and get away with things like this.

Company: Famous Poets Society
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Ashland
Address: 1762 Ashland St
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