Www.All that they promise for your money is a e-book, nothing else

Internet & Web

So it appears that the truth is a difficult thing for people to grasp. Every time people post anything that might be a little on the risky side it gets deleted about a website that the owners who do not wish others to see it. I have tried to post my thoughts about on their forum and all I was trying to do is advise individuals and the dangers of Malware, and other nasty things that pop-up in your browser windows on CHP's forum. Then the powers to be decided to change my word into something that better went with their thoughts. Had my original post been left alone this would have been finished and done, but after receiving emails that would be described as something a child would do I have decided to broaden the scope of these truths.

Read on

So it appears there are a few things that individuals do not wish you to see, while they do publish some of this in the "Terms of Usage", most do not read the terms. If you go to and do a search for chplaptops. What you will find is a very well crafted advertising listing all over the web, and I do applaud the webmaster for the knowledge he has on getting the search engines to work for the website.

The way CHP's program works is:

You join and pay your money, the only thing that is guaranteed is a E-Book. Then to proceed with the the free laptop you must follow many web links to advertisers and fulfill their requirements. On CHP's forum is a window that will pop up and it is advertised as a browser helper, this is a program that is classified as Malware. For the novice malware is a type of program that can cause great damage to your computer and will be illegal in the United States very soon because these programs have little programs within them that include Spyware, Key loggers and other programs that are not healthy for your computer. These programs will slow down your computer, add in re-directs or will point your computer to another website that the programmer selected not what you want. If you think you might have this on your computer already go to and do a search for Spybot, Seek and Destroy install this program and free up your computer. After we get past the nasty stuff you need to follow the links to build up enough credits for a free laptop. How long does that take, no one knows because CHP has never given anyone a laptop in their entire time on the net. I have asked for that information and they have many reasons of why this information is so secret. ON the website they proclaim themselves as three men who want you to know they will not disappear like EZLaptop, they also promise they will give away these laptops. So far since June they have had many problems. Somehow everyone's earned points were "accidentally deleted and the powers to be gave everyone 20 points across the board. They also released everyone's personal email that signed up for their service. They also have had problems with Web Hosting Companies as the last one pulled the rug out from under them for reasons unknown to others, and they were down for a period of three days trying to move the Domain Record to a hosting Company that would actually allow them to reside on their server. Another byproduct of joining all those sites to earn your points is spam and huge amounts of it, being fair I am not saying this site causes the spam, although their partners do not only cause your email address to be shared between known spammers this type of promotion also raises the risk of a novice user to have his/her computer filled with spyware, Malware, identity theft, key loggers; etc from other websites.

In the Agreement that requires you agree too, this is a few very important things that reside in the Terms.

1: By signing up for Chplaptops you agree to all terms and conditions set forth in this agreement.

2: may, at any time, choose to edit, add and/or delete portions of this agreement and impose changes without prior notification of its members.

3: If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate your account without refund.

4: will not be liable for lost profits, lost business opportunities, or any other indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or related to this Agreement or the program, even if has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

5: Due to the nature of our business there are many reasons why a prize would be discontinued. It is for this reason that you must agree that all fees you pay are for the e-books you will purchase and not as admittance to our free program. None of our prizes can be replaced by cash value. does not pay any money to our members via any method.

So it is for this reason I have posted this, not to impact any business but to let individuals know what they are really signing up for when they have dreams for any prize website. The only thing you receive is a electronic book, period.

As my father used to say" If it appears to be too good to be true, it is".

Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 7777 Linda Vista Rd, San Diego, California 92111
Phone: 6198046018
  <     >  


Ripoffed CHPLaptops Scamed 10,000's Of People, CHPNetwork, CHPForum, Timothy Core, Aaron Latham, Mihai Psederschi, Eddie Kukiela
CHPLaptops is gone... Just like
Lives upto the EZLaptop Scam and commits fraud

Storage Protector Inc
Storage Protector Computer Diagnostic And Repair Pay $70.00 to have your computer infected with a host of viruses and spyware! Gardnerville

Kangobox, Vicious Spam Downloader, Downloads malware without consent, Copyright Infringement, Illegal and malicous activity, poor email behavio

A Ripoff Website website
Web Site spreads Malware
Blekko spam-free search tool bar, Blekko virus, Blekko malware blekko, malicious virus, scumware, spyware, malware, blekko tool bar, hackers, spammers

Healthy Computer Club
Ripoff, non consumer response for a refund for an expensively-worthless software that did little to nothing to repair any problems on my pc, dishonest, great advertising for suckers like me who believed them

Best Soft Solutions
System Tool Malicious software disquised as antivirus program