Ciao My Bella
VERY Unprofessional and Did NOT Fulfil Business Agreement Ripoff

Internet & Web

I entered my personal blog in a contest run by a design site called Ciao My Bella ( to win a free template design. Shortly after entering, the owner of the site had a personal issue with me due to the lies of a third party. However, because the owner was unaware it was my site, she chose my blog out of over 500 submissions to provide a new design for my blog, free of charge.

There were NO stipulations or rules regarding this contest.

She emailed me letting me know I had been chosen and asked me to send her some images, I did as she asked.

She gave me a completion date of 5-7 days.

A week after this completion date had passed, I emailed her and she said she had "family problems" and she would get it up by Wednesday. I emailed her the following Friday to ask about the design and she sent me extremely threatening emails detailing parts of my past that she was going to "out" me on because I "lied" to her about my identity. She sent me very threatening emails and refused to complete the design.

Her blackmail did not work and I posted EVERY word she sent to me via email on my website to show everyone how unprofessional she is. You can see these emails (from her) at this link: mouthymom

I feel it was VERY unprofessional to refuse to do the design because she discovered I was someone she had a personal issue with. She chose my blog for the design and then went back on the offer. VERY unprofessional, in my opinion.

Company: Ciao My Bella
Country: USA
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