Attempted ripoff phone company billing

Internet & Web

As some of your other complaints indicate, Integretel is an aggregator of phone charges for hundreds of businesses. One problem with large businesses is overview of one's clients, and here Integretel has repeatedly been criminally they sent bills through local phone companies, charging folks for long-distance directory services at $3.95 and up. A large majority of these bills were paid without challenge, racking up profits for the scammers and their laundry service, Integretel. Finally several states sued Integretel to cease those operations.

Their latest front job is actually a 4th-party criminal enterprise, wherein spyware attaches trojans to unsuspecting computers. This malware installs Web Viewer attachments which are theoretically 900-number access to premium web services.

The culprits are clients of INFOSERVICES900, middlemen for the trojan-writing scam artists. These people say it's too complex and difficult to weed out phony services, so they bill you and hope you pay. A BILLING AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED TO ENFORCE A BILL!

So don't ignore your phone bill, and don't pay the pass-along charges. Block 900 calls from your phone. Use a reliable scan program to check your computer for spyware and my case, just the hint of criminal activity prompted Integretel to promise a full credit (forget dealing with INFO900), which was also the case when Louisiana investigated them in 2002. I'll update when my credit is applied.

Company: Integretel
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Address: 5883 Rue Ferrari
Phone: 8007367500
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Ripoff unauthorized phone charge by Integretel -

Integretel Inc
Integretel ripoff Internet

Integretel, Inc
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud dishonest ripoffs

The 1-900-scam ripoff numbers


Phone bill scam

Integretel - corporate Development
Integretel corporate Development integretel corporate development conspire to fraudulently charge on phone bill

IntegreTel, The Billing Resource, Horizon Telecom
Billed for non-existant services Ripoff San Jose

Payphone ripoff $20 phone call

Faq900. Comzz F Downloaded an executable software program -a dialer - onto my computer. $44.20 was charged to my phone bill