Com ripoff / 247 download sight is a scam. Rip off. Complete waste of money. Need to be shut down.internet

Internet & Web

July 3 I submitted payment of 22.80 to 247cs.net, the actual sight that says they had received my money. They were suppose to email me in fifteen minutes with my account information and password to the download sight. I have not received any kind of emails since. Most of the complaints on line that I have discovered did receive the download, but could just not get it to work.

Please do not go to this sight. All you will do is lose your moneey. I want these people shut down, and I completely believe that they should be prosecuted for fraud

247downloads are a scam, please consumers beware, I wished that I had known about this sight before I had visited the 247 downloads sight. Bad News.

Company: 247 Downloads
Country: USA
Site: 247downloads.com
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New Healty Savings
Add said $1.00 for unlimited downloads Bank was charged $48.00.internet

Consumer Report

MP3 Download City.com - ClickBank Kevnetics
MP3 Download City.com ClickBank/Kevnetics fraudulant ripoff website I purchased downloads they got the money I got nothing wesite dissappeared at the same time

Bear Share

DealDaily. Ws/wm
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Themusicsmembersarea.com And HillmanMinx Software
Themusicsmembersarea.com & Paul@hillmanminx.com And HillmanMinx Software Charged me $51.29 for music shareware that is FREE, doesn't work and is not able to do what it promised

MediaFeed Promised an unlimited amount of downloads on an auto repair manual that they never allowed me to find.internet

Lc. grantassist.com
Ripping off the disabled

Payme loans
Consumer Report