Direct Money Transfers With No Delivery Of Goods RIPOFF Queensland

Internet & Web

After stumbling onto the website ( I found that their aftershaves/perfumes were indeed heavily discounted so I put my mother onto the website without really looking into it. The next time I spoke to her she had purchased quite a substantial amount of perfumes and was now waiting for delivery.

After three weeks and no delivery my mother got suspicous and called me once again where she explained that the website asks for you to directly transfer your payment into their "business account" rather then a credit card payment. This I found very odd because I've never come across such a set-up.

The other strange point was that they send you an email of confirmation, with no receipt number or any kind of identification numbers, also they did not stipulate if the order had been sent out, and if so, with which courier service.

So I proceeded to email them asking for some kind of confirmation that they had indeed sent the order out, I got a reply from a hotmail account with some rubbish confirmation email which was obviously fabricated to shut me up.

I then started calling them on the number provided on the website, which of course is just a recorded message informing me of their office hours (no matter what time you call its still on message bank). At this stage I was pretty pissed off, so I started leaving abusive messages threatening legal action, ACCC action, etc. This is when I got the last email from them telling me that it's "in the mail and should be there shortly".

The purchase was made around December 18th it's now June 28th. The website is still up and (I'm guessing) in full swing, so I'm assuming there are still people being ripped off. I contacted the ACCC/Small Claims Tribunal, both of which have been as useful as a one legged man in an ass kicking competition. After posting my complaint on the "Slam a cyber scam complaint form" with the ACCC (http://www.accc. Gov.Au/content/maintain/create/index. Phtml? ContentTypeItemId=419091&informationSpaceItemId=398003&inPop=1&returnUrl=.&type=Other), I got not reply so I rang them and got told by the nice lady on the phone "Oh no, no one actually reads them...", bunch of nancys need to actually GET UP AND DO SOME WORK!!!

Anyway, enough ranting, am I the only numbnuts who has been ripped off by these bastards???


Company: Profumi
Country: Australia
State: Other
City: Surfers Paradise
Address: 248 /14 View Ave
Phone: 0755275351
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