TCA Fullfillment Services
Fraudulent rebate processing New Rochelle New York

Internet & Web

My $30 rebate was supposedly mailed on 2/22/05. It is now 3/31/05 and nothing has arrived. After trying for about an hour to get through to the company, I was able to speak with "Ricky" who told me I must wait 10 weeks from the mailing date of the rebate before I can request a replacement check. That will be 21 weeks total from the time I sent in the rebate. I have filed a complaint with the FTC (http://www.ftc. Gov/). I have also emailed to request that they cease using this company for their rebates.

Palo Alto, California

Company: TCA Fullfillment Services
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 145 Huguenot St
Phone: 9146333393
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TCA Fulfillment
Services Rebate Ripoff New Rochelle New York TCA Fulfillment Services ripoff

TCA Fullfillment Services
Ripoff, doesn't answer phone, or answer my complaint

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