Ripoff fails to produce but does make some admissions

Internet & Web

Like many of you, I too have been taken in by the lure of almost free stuff. Five months into it, and my free flat screen is no-where to be found. I would note a few things, after reviewing other comments.

First, they can terminate the contract at will. However, once our side of the obligation has been met, they are obligated to complete their end of the contract.

Second, you may have to sue them in CA, though I will probably try a lawsuit in my home town. If they send a lawyer to defend, they could get it dismissed (though my local judges don't look too kindly on this type of fraud). But it will still cost them far more than my little flat screen would have. And if they don't, I can sell my judgment to a CA firm to execute against company assets (always fun).

Third, a company VP did an incredibly stupid thing. He wrote a trade article, found on digital moses, about his it, he admits that his company likes to promise things, but hates to deliver. He jokingly says this is a "secret". That would be exhibit one in a case against the company.

I dotted my i's, and crossed my t's on this one. I sent the certificates both regular, and certified mail, with return receipts. I retained printed and electronic copies of all web sites terms and conditions, on the date I completed all offers.

I am going to give it another couple weeks, and I am going to file. I have an internet fraud investigation group in law enforcement that my try to bring state fraud charges as well. I may call or email the vp who wrote that article, since any lawsuit would name him personally as well. I will update the posting as events develop.

Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountainview
Phone: 8663833733
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