Wal Mart

Internet & Web

It appears this is a real pattern with Wal Mart. They get you to sign up for a free trial with wmconnect.com. If it isn't what you need and you asked to be cancled out, they will simply go on billing you. No amount of calls will cause them to stop billing. I wonder if this wouldn't make for a class action law sute?

Company: Wal Mart
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Wmconnect.com - Walmart Connect
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Wal Mart - Connect Internet Service
Ripoff fraudulent billing

Wal Mart Netscape
Wal Mart Netscape is a big ripoff!

Wal Mart Connect
Ripoff still being billed after disconnecting from ISP

Wal-Mart Connect Internet Service
Wal-Mart Connect Internet Service dishonest, ripoff, and liars and poor speaking individuals

Wal-Mart Connect
Ripoff Tried to sign up but never got an answer on the phone Never used the service but was billed one month and found out I owe 2 months internet

Wal Mart Connect
(aka) Wmconnect.com ripoff

Stein Mart
Magazine ripoff

Fraudulent billing

Why i cant get on to wal mart review