Alternative Soft Pro
Ripoff Munchen

Internet & Web

I was sent info regarding this job and fell for it. I cashed one of their checks in my account. Now I am just waiting to see what will happen. I am now reporting the information to my bank in regards to fraud activity.

Company: Alternative Soft Pro
Country: Germany
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Alternative Software Pro
Ripoff, fraudulent checks, mail fraud, internet fraud Munchen

Alternative Soft Pro
Ripoff, scheme, Munchen

Alternative Soft Pro Inc
Stealing bank by pretending to have jobs Munchen

Alternative Soft Pro Inc
Ripoff through carrer Munchen

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Tel Soft - Telsoft France - QchexTel Soft - Qchex, Ripoff Software Developers - TelSoft using checks & Western Union

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Made out a fake check and cashed out $99.00, I called they never answer, bank confirm fraud by edp reporting, Westside Bank Cash Was Cashed does not appea

California Bank & Trust
Neglecting accounts so thousands of dollars cashed without authorization. Checks cashed without signature, cashed checks without names on it