Pantheon Holdings, Global Resources
Rude And Unprofessional Tried To Ripoff Me Off By Tricking Me But They Didn't Get A Penny From Me

Internet & Web

I feel so bad for everyone who bought into these * game. They are nothing but a bunch evil crooks. It absolutely amazes me to see such an outfit of people, who put a ton of money into marketing their products through commercials with celebrities, expensive literature, DVD's and web site, all for the purpose of steeling innocent people's money.

In my opinion, both Adam West and Ernest Borgnine should be held legally responsible for soliciting a fraud.

I think it was around February of I saw the Pantheon Holdings commercial with Adam West on the History Channel. The minute I saw this I was on the phone calling them, because I too saw this as THE THING for me. I had been looking into various avenues of going into business for myself, and I really thought that this was going to be it for me. Like an idiot, I paid for the shipping costs of the info package they sent to me. I originally spoke with John McGuiness, received the info package, called the next day and asked for John, but I was given to Jay Main, Jay told me that he was taking over my account. Jay of course went through the standard hard sell with me.

I have spent many years selling manufacturing equipment to Fortune 500 companies, and when ANY company is considering buying a machine that sells for 20K to 250K, they fly from anywhere to the place of business to see the equipment. They will spend anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days making an equipment manufacturer or provider PROVE that it does everything the company says that it does.

This was natural for me to want to do this as well. There was NO WAY I was going to hand over that kind of money based on what I saw on some commercial, or what some literature said. I asked Jay if there were any EZ-LINK systems that were close to me that I could go see for myself. He said no. Now I know that they are manufactured in Southern California, so that was a big lie. It would have been a days drive for me to see the manufacturer. I told Jay that I wanted to fly to Miami to see the company, and so they could give me a demo of the system, and to show me how the system works and everything about it.

I told him that I would not buy a machine until I saw one, and saw all of the features that they were claiming actually working. He said that they would only do that for someone who was really serious about buying. He told me that if I sent in a 10% deposit I could come to Pantheon to see the system, and if I didn't want to buy one, they would give me my 10% back. He also said that there had never been one person who went to Pantheon and saw an EZ-LINK system who decided not to buy one. What he meant, was there had never been one person who went to Pantheon!

He said that to do this I would need to Fed-Ex the deposit to him that day, and that it would need to be sent along with the purchase order for one EZ-LINK system. He said that if I didn't do this NOW, then California may not be available for any more distributors. He instructed me over the phone how to fill out the P.O., and to write in my special purchase terms anywhere I wanted on it. When we were through, Jay said "welcome aboard." I started looking into flights, but then I took a good hard look at the P.O. When I was getting ready to sign it, and I realized that it basically was a commitment to buy a system with only 2 days to cancel the order in writing. I thought that if these people happened to be a bunch of scam artists, then they may be able to hold me to the purchase of the system based on my signature on the P.O. Not matter what special terms I wrote on it. Not to mention that with a 2 day cancellation policy in writing, I would have had no time to get to Miami, see the system, and then cancel the order. Now I know that if they would have received my P.O., they would have probably shipped me a system, and then they probably would have sicked a lawyer on my ass for the balance of the order.

I then began a thorough research of this business, and found out that these things can be had from other more reputable companies for as little as 5K. I also at that time found the "complaint." I searched the complaint for Pantheon Holdings and nothing came up, but what did come up was all kinds of dirt on internet kiosk scams from I think Nationwide Cyber Systems, and maybe Debit Corp out of South Florida, and then the bells began to ring in my head. "I smell trouble!"

Needless to say I didn't send Jay Main the 10% deposit or the P.O. He called the day he was expecting the check from me, and he asked why he hadn't seen it yet. I told him that I needed to do some more research before I could move forward with the idea. He immediately began yelling at me over the phone, he called me an unprofessional, and that there would be no way I would EVER be allowed to buy a system, or do business with Pantheon Holdings. He said that they would NEVER do business with the type of person that I was. I told him that Pantheon was not the only game in town. I then hung up on him while he was yelling at me. What a weirdo!

Of course that told me everything I needed to know, and I also knew that it was just a matter of time before I would see all kinds of dirt come up on them in the complaint.

Seeing what has happened to so many innocent pepole, I know that I am very lucky, and I hope that my story will at least give some tips on how to possibly avoid things like this from happening.

I truly hope that one day everyone some how gets their money back, and all of those crooks are put behind bars. And hopefully before they get a good chance of ripping off a whole new set of innocent people through their new disguise as Global Resources.

Company: Pantheon Holdings, Global Resources
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 12550 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 704
Phone: 8005957331
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