Parago - RebatesHQ
Parago, Rebates HQ They claim they sent me a rebate check which I never received, and they will not investigate the problem! Ripoff! Dallas Texas

Internet & Web

I bought a Brother printer with a rebate offer last June. I checked the web site and saw that they'd claimed to have issued the check, and that I'd received it. Well, please allow my sent-and-received e-mails to speak for themselves. Thanks.

Dear Joan (last name deleted): Rebate ID: 63574098

Thank you for your rebate inquiry. Our records show that check number 710617 was issued on 07/28/04 in the amount of $30.00. This check cleared our bank on 08/19/04.

We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at We are always happy to help.

Be sure to visit our website at for future rebate opportunities.

Promotions Customer Service

On Tue, 4 Jan 05:38: 50 -0700 you wrote:

OK, now it's five days later. If you cannot resolve this issue, will you please give me your address so that I can contact the Better Business Bureau in your area? If not, I will attempt to resolve this through Brother (the printer manufacturer) or TigerDirect (who sold me the printer). Your handling of my complaint has so far been nonexistent, and this is absurd. YOU should be contacting me as the "team" is researching the issue anyway — I never heard of this "we are researching... Please contact us back. Then 'we are still researching'..." Please respond with your physical address, as I am getting tired of the whole works. I suspect that someone internally is swiping rebate checks, and I intend to follow through with my complaint until I get some satisfactory results. Thank you.

Joan (last name deleted)

Original Message
To: (e-mail address deleted)
Sent: Thursday, December 30 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: Rebates Promo Center Emil

Dear Joan (last name deleted): Rebate ID: 63574098

Thank you for contacting us regarding your rebate and the
information provided. We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused. Unfortunately, our special team is still researching and have yet to receive a response from them. Please allow more time in order for the special tea to complete this rebate research. We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at We are always happy to help.

You can also track us at
Promotions Customer Service

On Tue, 28 Dec 08:51: 02 -0700 you wrote:

I see no phone number on your note so I am replying by e-mail. Can you give me some information on how my complaint is being handled? I checked again at and saw that no changes to the situation had been yet made. Have you had any luck tracking down the forger? Can you narrow it down to geographic locale or some such thing? I did sign the fax that I sent a month or so ago, but it appears likely that that somehow disappeared, so I am attaching a jpg of my signature in hopes that this will help
Please let me know what you've found out ASAP. Thanks.

Joan (last name deleted)

Original Message
To: (e-mail address deleted)
Sent: Sunday, December 12 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: Rebates Customer Service

Dear Joan (last name deleted): Rebate ID: 63574098

Thank you for your rebate inquiry. Because your issue requires further research, your email has been forwarded to a special team. We are working hard to research your issue, please be so kind to contact us in 7 to 10 business days. We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at We are always happy to help. You can also track the status of your rebate, using the Rebate ID above, at

Promotions Customer Service

On Thu, 9 Dec 22:40: 40 -0600 (CST) you wrote:

First Name: Joan
Last Name: (deleted)
Address 1: (deleted)
City: (deleted)
State: (deleted)
Postal Code: (deleted)
Email: (e-mail address deleted)
Phone Number: 505-868-9625
Rebate For: BROTHER
Can we help you? (Response):

I sent in my rebate for $30 in early July, and you list it as having been received on 7-8-04. You claim that check #710617 was issued to me on 8-3-04. I NEVER RECEIVED A CHECK! I phoned you a couple weeks ago, and was told that you would re-issue my check if I would have my bank state that the check had never gone through my account — which I never understood the reasoning of, since it could have been CASHED in a hundred different ways without going through my bank account. Anyway, I got the statement from Wells Fargo Bank and faxed it to
the number that I was instructed to, and now two weeks later I checked again online and find that nobody has done anything about re-issuing my check. I did not receive it, and i would really like to know what became of this check. My husband and I check our mail every day and there is no one else in the household. NEITHER OF US received the check. I would like to know WHO IS FORGING MY SIGNATURE. I wonder where the check was cashed or deposited. I wonder what the signature looked like. I would appreciate you either finding out some answers about this forgery, or reissuing my check to me pronto if it's too much bother for you to track down the CROOK. Sorry for not mincing words, but I am reasonably ANGRY about this. Can you help?
Joan (last name deleted)
[Attached File: signature.jpg]

Also look at this one, please. (These e-mails somewhat overlap, but please pay attention to the dates.) Again, thanks. I have not heard one thing from them since the last e-mail to me.

Dear Joan (last name deleted): Rebate ID: 63574098

Thank you for your rebate inquiry. Regarding your issue, please be so kind to allow us more time because your issue requires further research.

We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at We are always happy to help.

You can also track the status of your rebate, using the Rebate ID above, at

Promotions Customer Service

On Wed, 29 Dec 12:48: 34 -0700 you wrote:

Hi again,

I'm just following up on my note of a couple days ago. As I re-read it now, I see a typo: I meant forgerer, or forgery, but in any event have you gotten any new info about it? Thanks.

Joan (last name deleted)

Original Message
From: "Joan (last name deleted)"
Sent: Tuesday, December 28 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Rebates Customer Service

I see no phone number on your note so I am replying by e-mail. Can you give me some information on how my complaint is being handled? I checked again at and saw that no changes to the situation had been yet made. Have you had any luck tracking down the forger? Can you narrow it down to geographic locale or some such thing? I did sign the fax that I sent a month or so ago, but it appears likely that that somehow disappeared, so I am attaching a jpg of my signature in hopes that this will help you. Please let me know what you've found out ASAP. Thanks.
Joan (last name deleted)

Original Message
Sent: Sunday, December 12 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: Rebates Customer Service

Dear Joan (last name deleted): Rebate ID: 63574098

Thank you for your rebate inquiry. Because your issue requires further research, your email has been forwarded to a special team. We are working hard to research your issue, please be so kind to contact us in 7 to 10 business days.

We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at We are always happy to help. You can also track the status of your rebate, using the Rebate ID above, at

Promotions Customer Service

On Thu, 9 Dec 22:40: 40 -0600 (CST) you wrote:

First Name: Joan
Last Name: (last name deleted)
Address 1: HC 67 Box 9
City: Newkirk
State: NM
Postal Code: 88431
Email: (e-mail address deleted)
Phone Number: 505-868-9625
Rebate For: BROTHER
Can we help you? (Response):
I sent in my rebate for $30 in early July, and you list it as having been received on 7-8-04. You claim that check #710617 was issued to me on 8-3-04. I NEVER RECEIVED A CHECK! I phoned you a couple weeks ago, and was told that you would re-issue my check if I would have my bank state that the check had never gone through my account — which I never understood the reasoning of, since it could have been CASHED in a hundred different ways without going through my bank account. Anyway, I got the statement from Wells Fargo Bank and faxed it to the number that I was instructed to, and now two weeks later I checked again online and find that nobody has done anything about re-issuing my check. I did not receive it, and i would really like to know what became of this check. My husband and I check our mail every day and there is no one else in the household. NEITHER OF US received the check. I would like to know WHO IS FORGING MY SIGNATURE. I wonder where the check was cashed or deposited. I wonder what the signature looked like. I would appreciate you either finding out some answers about this forgery, or reissuing my check to me pronto if it's too much bother for you to track down the CROOK. Sorry for not mincing words, but I am reasonably ANGRY about this. Can you help?

Joan (last name deleted)

[Attached File: signature.jpg]

(small town so I'll skip this), New Mexico

Company: Parago - RebatesHQ
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


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