Video Professor
Video Professor ripoff artist 69.95 lesson on 101 ways to steal from people Denve

Internet & Web

Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in my good screwing from Video Professer. I ordered it from a phone call I recieved from the co. And after 2 days of recieving the package I was billed $69.95 from my bank account which the information on my account came from AOL.

They denied giving out the info. But they were the only ones that had my checking acct. Number. So I procedded with the process of recovering my money and like everybody else they shaft have enjoyed the run around.

They are professional thiefs and are proud of it. This co. Really sux. And if you don't want to be stuck, stay away from them. You'd get better customer srv. From a porn site. Will update when I find out more. Good luck everybody

Company: Video Professor
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Lakewood
Address: 12055 W 2ND Place
Phone: 3032321244
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Video Professor
Video Professor Ripoff Dishonest Fraudulent Billing

Video Professor &
Video Professor & Yourgiftcards ripoff

Video Professor
Video Professor customer service

Video Professor Inc
Video professor ripped me off for 189.00 on a misleading video offer. Was supposed to be a $6.95 charge they stole 189.00 out of my checking #15

Video Professor
Took 79.95 And I want It Back video professor the wicked thief ripoff Denver Colorado

Video Professor
1st call 15 days for refund - 2nd call 72 hrs for refund-3rd call 30 to 60 days for refund Denver internet

John W. Scherer - Video Professor
Deceptive business practices - ordered 6.95 video on how to learn ebay and video professor charhed checking account 189.95

Nail Dolly
Beauty supplies site that takes your money and RUNS!

Video Professor
Video professor bank account ripoff - photoshop

Magazine Service Center And Video Professor
Magazine Service Center & Video Professor fraudulent charges ripoff business