Consumers Benefits Club Celers Computers
Ripoff Misreputation of sale purchased computer with membership to sevice club said I could buy a comuter for $300 after numerous calls and run around they sent me a letter for $900 I could get the compute

Internet & Web

Consumers Benefits Club (Celers Computers) ripoff - Misreputation of sale over the phone. I purchased a computer along with a membership to a sevice club, they said I could buy a comuter with all my requirements for $300 and after numerous phone calls and run around they finally sent me a letter for an aditionall $900 I could get the computer.

A had gotten a call about buying a computer for only $300. A 17 inch flat screen, pentium 4 prossesor, 80gig hard drive, 1.5 gig memory, dvd burner-player, and severalother frills. The first time I called was about a month after they ran the charge on my credit card. After that there was many more phone calls as to where my compter was at or had it been sent. At first there was confusion on there part as to what I was to get. AAmd 2.5 gig prossesor 15 inch monitor 70 gig hard drive 265 memory so at that point I said I just wanted my money back and they informed me that in the agreement that I recieved amonth and a half after my order I had 30 days to canncel my order. I guess I had really had enough and chalked it up to an educational experience and gorget about it, but today I got a letter in the mail that said for several different options (which amounted to about 900 additional dollars I could still get my computer with a 3 year service agreement for forced internet service that was never ageed to in any part of the phone conversation of the sale. So to all please be careful of what peole try to sell you over the phone especially CELERAS COMPUTERS OUT OF UTAH!!!

Company: Consumers Benefits Club Celers Computers
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 1385 W. 2200 S Ste 250
Phone: 8007736287
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