Ripoff, fail to provide services paid for

Internet & Web

Net Detective created a new version of their program. It does not provide the services it advertised when I purchased it. The people search only allows search by name, address or phone. This can be had for free from a variety of sources. They refuse to refund my subscription. Most previously free services require additional charges.

Company: Netdetective
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deland
Address: Harris Digital Publishing Group
Phone: 3867363882
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Net Detective/HD Publishing
Let me join the list of people ripped off and defrauded by this entity. Florida

Net Detective - Ripoff - Harris Digital Publishing
Net Detective, Net Detective Plus, Harris Digital Publishing RIPOFF, SCAM, FRAUD, BAIT AND SWITCH

Net Detective - Harris Digital Publishing
Ripoff burnt scam fraud bait and switch garbage lied

Net Detective - - - Netdetective - HD Publishing
Net Detective - - NetdetectiveNet - HD Publishing Bait and Switch

Harris Digital Net Dective
Net Detective plus search outcomes: "record unavailable" for simple people or background searches

H. G Services, Lender Search
H. G Services Beware, none of the sources from the search are productive EXCEPT 1 extremely high interest. 24 to. 92/$100/day! Payday loan

Family Security Door And Window
Ripoff failure to provide services per contract

Net Detective
Basically does telephone records search. No criminal records or background checks ripoff

HD Publisihing Group - Net Detective/Net Detective Plus
Scam - actual services provided are not services described