(mystery shoppers) - "mystery shopper" gimmick and rip off!

Internet & Web

I read an ad for this company in the local Pennysaver. I did a little research and didn't find anything negative about the company.

Supposedly, you join this website, and they send you out as a secret mystery shopper. According to their ads, you go eat at a restaraunt or shop at a certain store, file a report of your experience, and then earn $25. Per hour.

ALthough it sounded too good to be true, I decided to just go ahead and see whether it was a scam or not. It cost $23 to sign up, which didn't seem like that big a deal.

Here are the facts, just to prevent somebody else from throwing away $23!

First of all, very few companies have actually signed up who WANT mystery my state, there were only two or three, and they were both several hours away.

Second of all, I don't know where they come up with the $25 per hour - the two ads that I looked at were offering $13 for each visit, which entailed sitting through a sales presentation, then going home and writing up a detailed report.

Third - one of the questions on the F.A.Q. Is about whether or not you can get a refund once you join if there aren't any job postings in your area. It says that you can't, simply because the bulletin board and job postings are public access and you don't have to pay to join. (This wasn't true. You can only access the listings once you give your credit card.)

I joined because I wanted to see if it was a scam or not, so I paid $23 to find out that it was. I just want to prevent other people from wasting their money!

Company: (mystery shoppers)
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Mystery Shopping sister company is a FAKE Work at Home Scam

Mystery Shoppers USA
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Mystery Shopper

NorthernEPublications, Brighten Inc
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Evaluation Team
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Franchise Compliance
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