New Healthy Savings
Rip-off artist, they say you can utilize unlimited game downloads for "only $1.00" but then charged my card $48.00 Internet

Internet & Web

This company is a rip-off. Their all game network you can get unlimited free downloads of games for "only $1.00 but they charged my card $48.00. When I called the company I was informed that I had not read the terms agreement, that they would put in a request for refund for me and that it could take up to 15 days. They also stated that they had no supervisor there that I could speak with, that they only communicate with the supervisor by email.

They state that they have no number for their corporate office or president/owner and that they were not authorized to give me their address. So, I asked "Who do you report to everyday, who do you call when you are sick?" and was told that they just don't show up and come in with a doctors note when they return. I asked what do you do if you have an emergency and have to leave early?

And was told send the supervisor an email an just leave. I use to work in both customer service and human resources, and none of the above would ever happen in a good company. 1. There is always a supervisor on the floor to assist reps. 2. Company's don't allow for employees to just not show up for work and keep their job. This company is a FRAUD!!!

Company: New Healthy Savings
Country: USA
Phone: 6164958107
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New Healty Savings
Add said $1.00 for unlimited downloads Bank was charged $48.00.internet

New Healthy Savings
Ripoff through music download offe

New Healthy Savings
New Healthy Ripoff for free game downloads

Unlimited Music Downloads, New Healthy Savings, All Games Network, Cs@sgada
48 dollars for 4 years is ok but can't get on site lady who did not speak english well told me they were having technical problems money is non-refundable so look out for this ripoff

New Healthy Savings And Free Music Download Site
Fraud, Ripoff took $79.95 a month for 2 months

New Healthy - - - free Mp3
New Healthy A.K. A,, free Mp3 ripoff! Doesn't explain charges billes at once and signs you up for something else

Free Music Downloads, Healthy Discount Card
Free Music Downloads Aka Healthy Discount Card ripoff, fraud

New Healthy Savings
Free Music Outlet rip-off!

Unlimited Music Downloads Aka Newhealthy Savings - AOL
Unlimited Music Downloads Aka New Healthy Savings UnlimitedMusicDownloads Aka NewhealthySavings ripoff by fraud thru AOL Internet

New Healthy Savings - Unlimited Music Downloads - SGADA
Does Their Billing SCAM, rip-off, I went to a music download site, I believed I was signing up for unlimited music downloads for a buck. I was charged 48.00 then 79.95 weeks later. Nationwide