Balance And Bliss Ayurveda Ayurvedic Academy and Center
Ayurveda Center - Ayurvedic Products - Ayurvedic Academy - Balance & Bliss Ayurveda offers Ayurvedic treatments and consultations, Ayurvedic products and our very own Ayurv

Health & Medicine

I was attending school at this academy. I also did a 30 day puncha karma cleans with Denise O'Dunn during the school year. On the 20th day of the 30 day cleanse, which was also the 9 day that Denise personally worked on me I ended up with SEVERE CHRONIC HIVES from head to toe. I also ended up with SEVERE GASTRITUS. The hives literally covered every inch of my body and I looked like I had alligator skin. They also swelled up my face, my eyes, and my lips twice to their normal size. My whole body itched from head to toe and the burning and pain was unbearable. I couldn't eat much of anything as the gastritis was horrible and burned the whole way up my esophagus anytime I tried to put anything in my stomach.

On the tenth day of her therapies she handed me some coconut water and told me to go to an allergist. That very evening we had class and she decided to lie to the class and tell the class that the reason I had hives was because I was cooking for my brother during puncha karma and that I over stressed myself.

Company: Balance And Bliss Ayurveda Ayurvedic Academy and Center
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 6201 Lynn Road
Phone: 7274174006
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Consumer Report

Ayurvedic Urea
Consumer Report

Sojilam Kharlostim
Consumer Report

Ayurvedic Centre
Association Membership

Jubilee Academy, Learning By Grace, Morningstar Academy, Grace Academy, Southern Baptist Academy
Jubilee Academy, Learning By Grace, Morningstar Academy, Jubilee Academy, Southern Baptist Academy Deceptive enrollment, and financial costs on website

Njah Harry Chick and/or Wayne Clifford
Consumer Report

Dr. Macpherson
Consumer Report

Restoration Hair aka Ayurvedic Hair Grow
Deceptive Ads, Refused to Refund, Fraudulent Practices, Horrific Customer Service ripoff

Hot Pockets, Nestle The company failed to follow up on its offer to cover for the medical issues that their Hot Pockets caused

The Lincoln Academy High School
Lincoln Academy Home School (Fradulent Online Diploma!)