Automatic Billing & Shipment, Culver City, Califormia billing your card without permission

Health & Medicine

Hydroderm is a deceptive company. Once again, I should have known, "free trial" and a credit card number do not mix.

I have reported Hydroderm to the Federal Trade Commission. It seems much a similar situation as the one where the FTC on behalf of the United States sued Mantra Entertainemnt i.E. Girls Gone Wild.

The FTC sued Mantra over such "automatic billing" as Hydroderm practices. Apparently these guys, boffo for "Girls Gone Wild" would order these videos and unknowingly, be enrolled to spend about $30 a month getting a new video every 30 days.

I ordered the "free trial offer" for Hydroderm for just a few dollars, then 20 days later, I was in trouble with my bank account because they charged $55.90 and I became overdrawn.

Once I started looking, I am amazed at the vast number of people out there complaining about the same problem. What is even more heeelarious, is the amount of actual reps and obvious company plants who issue rebuttals to these claims on the Internet. Oh that's rich. That's wonderful. Great.

Hey Hydroderm, if your doing something totally legit, there is no reason to get all pissy and have to defend your actions. But you have to answer these claims, you have to defend your position, why? Because there are so many people out there who are mad at you.

Why? It must be because a poor, innocent, upfront company like hydroderm is being attacked by all these wrinkle-prone fools who just don't have sense enough to read the fine print.

It couldn't be because Hydroderm is a deceptive, sneaky company that preys on vanity, working women with not enough time to read lengthy contracts and just plain foolishness on our part.

O.K., so fine, I got burned. You win. I accept that. But you won't do it to me again. And you can bet I'll tell everyone I know and I'll help spread the word so you don't do it to any other consumer that reads this.

Viva la Hydroderm Consumer Revolution!

Company: Hydroderm
Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
Address: 11240 Playa CT
Phone: 8884605888
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I've never ordered their product

Unauthorized billing

Credit for Returned Product

Hydroderm Fraud

Hydroderm Body Shape - Hydroderm AntiAging Eye Complex - Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - Hydroderm Instant Lip Enhancer - Hydroderm Intense OilFree Facial Moisturizer - Hydroderm Spa Formula - Ripoff Culver City


Identity theft

ComHydroderm RIPPED OFF - Allergic reaction from the lip enhancer ordered on a trial basis, they charged me anyway Hydroderm Ripoff California