Berkley Pharmacuticals
Ripoff, took money with out permission, uses "small print" to elude your awareness Cincinnati

Health & Medicine

I was viewing the televission when a commercial for "Suvaril" came on, it stated i could try it for free, just pay shipping and handling of about 5.00 U.S., i went on line and ordered, and before i knew what happened, they re billed me for 70.00, i don't feel as tho they have the right to take money with out asking, and i also intend to contact the state attorney general, of colorado, where i live, and ohio where they reside, imagine how many folks they have ripped off, to the tune of millions of dollars, abosolutely free to them

Company: Berkley Pharmacuticals
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati Ohio
Address: Berkely Premium Nutraceuticals Inc Cincinnati Ohio
Phone: 18668341715
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Eight Squared
Avlimil - Berkley Pharmaceuticals ripoff

Berkley - Eight Squared
Ripoff Internet north carolina

Berkley Pharmacuticals
Berkley Labs - Avlimil ripoff from Berkley Pharmacuticals TV ads Cincinati ohio

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals Inc
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing Lumberton

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals Inc

Berkley Premium Nutraceuticals - Avlimil
Ripoff, dishonest fraudulent billing to my credit card, will not refund my money even with return of product

Ripoff free sample is not really free

Berkley Pharm/Enzyte/Avlimil/Ogoplex/AltovisRogisen/Rovicid
Berkley Pharm Enzyte Avlimil Ogoplex AltovisRogisen Rovicid RIPOFF-ENZYTE-AVLIMIL-BERKEY PHARM-LIFEKEY All these pills are run by Berkley Pharm/Lifekey Healthcare, They SUCK you in with a FREE TRIAL... But then end up billing your credit card rip-off scam

Ripoff Cincinnati, Ohio Internet

Avlimil Berkley Pharmacuticals
Ripoff they are nothing but a big ripoff and that is how they make there money!