Carla O'Day MD
St. Vincent Charity ER will misuse patient information on physician patients for licensure suspension or discipline purposes for Carla O'Day's benefit - she calls everything 'simple' or psychiatric - and if a physician has

Health & Medicine

Carla O'Day MD is known for misusing partial medical information - that she has access to by virtue of ER attending work, on medical colleagues to get their medical license suspended for 'objecting too much' to admittedly wrong/bad care - care that Carla was partially responsible for. If you have to disagree with Carla O'Day MD - you will lose your medical license and hospital privileges - she goofs for the hospital and then has to cover it up. St. Vincent Charity Hospital has recently hired her to be the ER Director - without checking into the trouble she caused for other good physicians in the past 20 years.

The one case that Carla O'Day MD started at the Board in the 1990s, when she was there as an appointee, against a woman MD classmate from Medical School who didn't have any patient complaints, has ended up costing the Medical Board (the Ohio taxpayers) somewhere's over $500,000. Carla O'Day MD started the case without first allowing the women MD classmate to get even blood work, Carla didn't know what blood work to order and wouldn't check a textbook or google, to see what the bone pains were caused by. Women MDs don't 'deserve' blood work per Carla O'Day MD, so how are St. Vincent's ER patients going to get blood work?

But this one case that Carla O'Day MD ran, has cost the State Medical Board about $500,000 so far, and still is unresolved as the woman MD didn't have what Carla O'Day MD wanted her to have - and she's not Carla O'Day's patient. Governor Kasich's office can't even get an estimate from the Executive Director of the State Medical Board - Mr. Whitehouse - about how much ($) this one unresolved case for 20 years - too many lies from Carla O'Day MD and friends - has cost Ohio. The cost can't be even estimated as the State Medical Board is still spending money trying to 'find a case' for Carla O'Day MD. Carla O'Day personally put this case ahead of rooms full of boxes of complaints about physicians with multiple patient complaints - it was a personal case. The State Medical Board still thinks that the case can be solved locally, in Cleveland, by finding the right Ohio psychiatrist to lie for Carla O'Day MD to get them out of trouble.

Carla O'Day MD will charge any physician that calls her to try to tell her that she made a 'mistake' - in assessing the wrong diagnosis, or not doing the necessary blood work - with telecommunications harassment - in court. She has nothing better to do. Carla O'Day MD will then take any recorded messages left by the physician, and edit them for Rocky River Municipal Court - deleting all the dates. Carla O'Day can file telecommunications harassment in Rocky River Municipal Court with taped evidence where the chain of evidence has been broken by her and much of the taped message deleted - they let her as her husband is a lawyer in the community. Physicians should not leave her a phone message about anything like a care problem - it will show up in Rocky River Municipal Court.

Carla O'Day MD will not call the Mayo Clinic, or an out-of-state expert physician, on a patient - the patient is just 'exaggerating' if they don't like her care (calls were offered to be paid for so that Carla O'Day MD would be reimbursed every penny). And you can't read Carla's writing - she has an illegible personality disorder. Taxes is not the answer in Ohio, the answer is more responsible government and appointees better than Carla O'Day MD - even at St. Vincent Charity. The poor deserve better.

So Carla O'Day MD doesn't think that women MDs, who might be her competitor, need blood work - they just need a new right Ohio psychiatrist. The sheer storage volume of false accusations in the one case was unimaginable. Carla O'Day MD accused the woman MD of trying to re-break her wrist fracture (and allowed her to be beaten up in one of the orthopedic offices), of being 'seductive' with her fractures (no one looks seductive with fractures), of not deserving care, of not needing blood work for a multiple fracture syndrome - which has an extensive workup in all the medical textbooks. Carla O'Day MD had the Medical Board take the fractured woman's medical license so that she couldn't go on her Medical Fellowship in Bone Metabolism at St. Louis University - because Carla O'Day MD does not have the smarts or the intelligence/background to get those prestigious fellowships - so the woman MD had to be 'crazy' - and Carla O'Day MD's second husband puts up with this - the accusations of friends, the filings in court, and the lies.

In the 1990s, Carla O'Day MD watched while the woman MD tried to work at the hospital with an uncasted wrist fracture, and despite over 20 orthopedics and her well-equipped ER, would not help her - it was a joke. So expect a laugh when you have a fracture and go to St. Vincent Hospital ER. Since Medical School Carla O'Day spoke directly with this woman MD, that Carla claimed to know 'well, ' only once on the phone - to get the woman MD to admit a patient from the Hillcrest ER that NO ONE else would take as she was dying and didn't have any procedures that anyone (the guys or boys) could do. The boys wouldn't admit the patient despite having made a lot of money on her past care. The woman MD did Carla a favor, and then was accused of being 'obsessed' if she wanted a cast on her wrist fracture.

This happened at Hillcrest Hospital in Ohio where a woman MD went to the ER, was put in a conference room for casting, was casted without an x-ray or reduction and without padding, while the orthopedic ate pizza in front of the physician-with-the-fracture. The orthopedic Tim Nice MD was Carla O'Day MD's friend, and he could do what he wanted in the ER - including using the ER as his personal office (to avoid the costs and for lunch) and not referring the case - he was not a hand/upper extremity orthopedic. Carla O'Day MD, who was on the Medical Board in Ohio from 1990-3, and still has 'friends' there, defended this awful care as the woman physician needing therapy to get over it and that the fractures were 'simple.'

The fractures were not 'simple, ' the underlying cause was a rare endocrine presentation (a bone condition that still needs treatment, but Carla O'Day's lies are blocking that treatment), and the woman did not need psychiatric therapy from one of Carla's women psych friends. Carla O'Day tries to set her 'friends' up with unnecessary consults - Sister Judith Ann Karam you are in for an education as to how Carla O'Day MD practices medicine.

But Carla O'Day MD lied boxes, and still is trying to prove that she was 'right' after the woman MD had to get to her license suspended, undergo five evaluations, and fracture 5 more bones. Carla O'Day is still insisting that the woman MD needs a 'new right Ohio psychiatrist.' And this is only one of Carla's goofs - she could not finish a residency at University Hospitals because of her patient behaviors - the patients and attendings were livid with the 'simple' and the 'psychiatric.' But now she's again the Director of an ER to misuse patient information for her own appointments, hospital contracts and self-serving purposes.

Patients going to St. Vincent Charity ER should find an ER physician besides Carla O'Day and be aware that everything will be 'simple' and 'psychiatric' for her. The Administration at St. Vincent Charity should have required that Carla O'Day MD straighten out all the past lies, misinformation, and false cases against colleagues at the State Medical Board of Ohio (the statute of limitations is over) - all the woman MD competitors for whom she has destroyed their chance of getting married, their careers, their Fellowships, their reputations, and their health. It needs to be over Carla, and any hospital contract should require that she not misuse health information on an MD patient or their family, or threaten any telecommunications harassment when you try to get ahold of her to get her out of her lies and mistakes - to try to cover for her because if she has any liability she counter-accuses.

Company: Carla O'Day MD
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: 2351 E. 22nd Street
Phone: 2168616200
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Governor John Kasich Ohio
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Governor John Kasich
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Governor John Kasich Ohio R
State Medical Board of Ohio if he & the Medical Board weren't so busy wanting to be 'figured' out maybe someone would have noticed the abuses going on for the last 20 years, the male physicians want to be figured out just like t