Peak Potential / SWFEI Product Services
Medical Product uses tough Attorney tactics in Santan Fe

Health & Medicine

I answer the phones at a radio station in MO... We are not a hard news station, just the average music station. We do not deal in controversy. On March 6, I took a call from a man named "JOHN" who was a regular listener and having consumer trouble with a return. "JOHN" claimed the company would continually fail to return his calls to 1800 357 3097 in his bid for a money-back return.

I referred him to the State Attorney General, but "JOHN" was quite persuasive and I agreed to call the number, just to get clarification of the returns policy OR another contact name or number. THAT'S ALL I DID! I spoke with "Nancy" who was very polite... And so was I.
"Nancy" agreed that a Customer Service Rep would call me back.

Two days later, I received a fax from "PEAK POTENTIAL" giving me notice to cease and desist all slanderous and threatening activities in regards to Peak the fax, the Attorney claims I told Nancy that I was "Going to blow the lid off the company... Would be filing charges over intertstate lines... And that the company operates illegally in Kansas"

The fax goes-on to allege, that I told the operator of my intent to "Hire lawyers to get them" and that "They would receive a judgment in the mail" On top of this, the company claims I told Nancy how I'd been calling the company every day for a month... HOW COULD I WHEN I ONLY CALLED FOR THE FIRST TIME ON MARCH 6???

The fact is, I did call the 1800 number on March 6 and spoke with "Nancy", but non of the allegations raised in the fax from PEAK POTENTIAL ever took place. The fax continues to refer to me as a user of the product... Which I'm NOT!

Since that fax, I have replied to them explaining MY side of the story, suggesting that my name may have been accidentally and incorrectly linked with some-one else who may have made the claims. I also requested they should clarify and END this "MISTAKE" —

The company has since, sent ANOTHER fax to my workplace, warning me to carefully consider my statements of denial... And that all 800 numbers are recorded and memorialized, which they will review before making a "Definitive determination". If this is true, I can't wait for them to play-back the recording... (some-how I doubt this will occur)!

The radio station caller "JOHN" has since called back to tell me of a similar report, listed with the Found at Id=1488
As an embarressing note, I have since found-out the product in question concerns medication for erectile dysfunction... I did not know this until March 8th... Two days after the phone call.

Atleast, through all this, I was able to find-out the customer service number for our caller...
* (1800-340-0228) which was all I wanted in the first place! Now I've got the Attorney's fax
number (505) 992 1118 and the Attorney's number (505) 992 1114. However, I'm now faced with this unpleasant mess from PEAK POTENTIAL... It would appear to be reverse harrassment in a way!

All I wanted, was a contact number or returns policy for the caller to our radio station. I would be very interested seeing other reports on THEconsumer complaints from anyone else with this kind of problem.


Company: Peak Potential / SWFEI Product Services
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Santa Fe
Address: 223 North Guadalupe #469
Phone: 18003573097
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