Aetna SRC, an Atena Company
Claim denial of everything

Health & Medicine

I started having horrible discomfort in my own right knee in March. I worked like a host at UNO Chicago Grill in Orlando. I were only available in my opinion in insurance and believed it had been a stylish benefit. I registered for that maximum and highest quality instantly. I reported many times to my chef after I never received my card. Many appointments and growing discomfort was disguised with drugs. The medications were 10 and 15 buck co-pays based on my paperwork. Many denials and countless calls resulted in fasceous reviews that only $500 was coated each year, when clearly mentioned $500 monthly. I had been ridiculed at the office due to the discomfort. Completely humiliated in anxiety about losing my work I required medical leave. I am 30 yrs old as well as in need of the total hip replacement. I'mmediatly they started questioning statements and overrun with complicated denials and risks to fall. Our company stated I no further worked their. I agreed to actually move carpet to assist pay rates. I dropped anything exhausted all my savings, not able to function, refused government aid and unemployment, struggling in continuous discomfort not able to wander and declined surgery by three orthopedic doctors, simply to be fallen nearly annually later sinking with debt and medical expenses not able to complete my last year of university. I am developing weaker each day and frightened and ashamed, alone. Useless. How is that this right? My doctor don't actually notice me.

Company: Aetna SRC, an Atena Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
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Aspen Dental - Stow OH
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