Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff misleading commercial hidden enrollment (free membership)

Health & Medicine

There's a tv commercial that shows all the time for a product to cure fatigue. They offer a free trial, so I called. Then learned their definition of free included shipping and handling. That's not unusual so I gave them the card number to charge it to. Guess what? Somewhere in the spiel, they told me about getting regular shipments of the product for $70 a pop. Just got the first one and what a surprise!!! I never even tried the free sample, its mainly caffeine.

Companies like this are predators, just taking advantage of a long promotional monotone speech.

FYI, they sell Altovis, Enzyte, Rogisen, Avlimil, Prulato and Rovicid. Company name is Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals.

When I called, they agreed to cancel further shipments but I'm stuck for the $70. They said they couldn't take it back because it was a consumable. Pills are in a blister pack, no way to tamper.

The complaint taker and I listened to my earlier conversation several times. Not once did I say I understood I would be billed for future shipments. Their position is that I didn't say I didn't understand. I had explained when ordering the sample that I wasn't unable to absorb a lot of information at once and asked if everything about the product was in the box. After I'd read about altovis, I didn't read any further. Well, there's a small card in the box that gives cancellation directions.

On the front of the brochure written in a big font -
Trusted. For Life.

Insert curse words here.


Company: Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnatti
Address: P O Box 42377
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Berkeley Premimun Nutraceuticals, Altovis, Enzyte, AVLIMIL, OGOPLEX, ROGISEN, ROVICID rip-off!

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Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals (Rogisen, Ogoplex, Enzyte, Altovis, Rovicid, Avlimil) rip-offs!

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Ripoff auto enrollment & billing for useless drugs

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