Bally's Total Fitness
Ripped me off and swindled me!

Health & Medicine

I applied at Bally's approximately two years ago. I worked a swing shift back then and told by Francisco to come in after work and he could sign me up. Mind you swing shift ends at 11pm so when I went in he was in a big rush, to get me through the contract process.

When I was reading the contract he told me "Oh, Ms. Williams you don't have to worry everything is okay you don't have to read all that stuff." I told him that I am not too much into fitness and that I may quit anytime. He replied to me that "that's okay people do it all the time." After a month I stop going thinking this would be fine being that Mr. Trustworthy Francisco told me that everything was fine. I did know that what I signed did not allow me to quit when I wanted to. To top it off he didn't give me a copy of the contract he told me it would go into my file there. Like a dummy I trusted him.

Company: Bally's Total Fitness
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fresno
Address: 5137 N. Blackstone
Phone: 5592268686
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Bally Total Fitness
Bally Total Fitness Holding Corporation (BALLY) I bought a Lifetime membership from Bally Total Fitness. Bally sold its clubs LA Fitness & now they want me to pay even more money

Bally Total Fitness
Bally Total Fitness Just another Ripped Off Bally's Custome

Bally Total Fitness

Bally's Fitness Center
Bally fitness is a total rip off

Bally Total Fitness
Fraud and cheating

Bally Total Fitness
Bally Total Fitness Bally's acknowledges forgery on membership contract Norwalk

Bally Total Fitness
Bally's Total Fitness ripoff Thought I signed up for a year and was slam with 3

Bally Total Fitness
Ripoff use their rep to force innocent people into a long term contract

Bally's Total Fitness
Employees lie to get you to sign. Bally's Total Fitness is a Total loss. Don't sign! Ripoff

Bally Total Fitness
Employee's lie to get you to sign. They should be held liable for their deceptive ways. Bally's Total Fitness is a Total Loss. Ripoff