Healthy Back Institute
Lose the Back Pain Problem with money back guarantee

Health & Medicine

I tried the rub on relief. Despite the marvelous claims and testimonials, it did not touch my sciatica so I returned the tube for my money back. I followed the return instructions and waited a couple of weeks for the credit. When it didn't appear, I called and was told I was credited the day before. I checked my account a few times after that and still no credit. I called again and was told that the manager would be consulted and she would get back to me. That has yet to happen.

Additionally, my sciatica actually worsened with the exercises.

I must admit that they come across as sincere, the website is very professionally done, and the testimonials are impressive but if you're going to give a money-back guarantee, stand behind it.

Company: Healthy Back Institute
Country: USA
State: Vermont
City: Burlington
Address: 431 Pine Street Suite 312
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