Global Fulfillment
Another scam!

Health & Medicine

I responded to a pop-up advertisement on my computer. It promised a free sample of wrinkle remover for only postage cost.

Later, my credit-card account showed they charged me $94.95, after already charging the handling—postage.

My telephone call to the company yielded the real-person response (effectively) "the advertisement said that ubless you telephone us within 12 days after receiving the sample, we will send a skin-improvement product monthly and bill your credit-card account". They agreed to close my account, which I never established. As for the 12-day statement, I did not see it. I believe it was not in the advertisement.

No paperwork came with the sample; no invoice, no instructions, no thank you, no 12-day statement.

The possible recovery of my $94.95 remains in progress.

It sickens me that some homo sapiens spend their lives lying, cheating, deceiving.

Company: Global Fulfillment
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 400 Cleveland St
Phone: 8883760709
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