Best Life RX
SureQuarantee Investments Ltd and numerous websites under numerous names RIP-OFF

Health & Medicine

I dealt with this company for over a year despite the fact that they had very negative customer reviews. Well, l soon found out why. After receiving packages from them for a year, l paid for two orders and never received them. When I tried to deal with their customer service department, I was told that I received the orders but never paid for them! Exactly OPPOSITE to what happened.

This is impossible.

You cannot ORDER without giving credit card information. And anyone who visits their site will see this. NO ONE receives products from this company and then is trusted to pay after the fact... Because most people wouldn't pay. You prepay for your shipment just like anything else you buy on the internet. When I pointed this out, they said "Oh, well, we sent it, we just forgot to bill you."


"Then what is this CHARGE on my credit card?" I asked them. I even emailed them copies of my bank account statement showing where the monies came out. If you can believe this. They IGNORED all that, and threatened to go in my account and take the money AGAIN for products I never received. And this they did! Only I was one step ahead of them and had closed the account.

I had to have a new debit card issued from my bank and everything.
Why on EARTH would I have dealt with the company for over a year, and then suddenly lie and say l did not receive my products? But there was absolutely no reasoning with them. And what they are insisting happened can't even happen, as you must PRE-PAY when you order.

Now that I've read more complaints and reviews about them I realize I got off EASY, and I do mean easy. But please avoid this company. They are a fraud. Research them yourself and you will find out more than you wanted to know about their products, too.

Company: Best Life RX
Country: USA
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