Scott Connelly
Darren Meade Scott Connelly: Founder of Fraud, Conspiracy and Deceit

Health & Medicine

Met-rx founder dr. Scott connelly final act of fraud and deception

Dr. Scott Connelly, the self proclaimed famed scientist fancies himself as the worlds leading authority in the field of sports nutrition and metabolic science. His claims include the invention and manufacturing rights to rare dairy bioactive fractions found within milk proteins. Connelly claims these fractions, which can be delivered orally in the form of medicinal chocolate milk, will heal bones and tissue in half the time, and he has the science to prove it. At least thats what he told more than thirty-five Midwest farmers and cattlemen, in order to bilk them out of more than $1M dollars.

For more than twenty years Scott Connelly has been reinventing these claims, starting with unsubstantiated science that his former company, Met-Rx, was a miracle cure for burn victims.

Company: Scott Connelly
Country: USA
Address: 1137 Dolphin Terrace, Newport Beach, Ca 92660
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