Sports and Fitness Club
Deceptive Sales Pitch and Contract Agreement

Health & Medicine

I signed up for what I thought was 12 months of gym membership and fitness training with 2 separate individuals. We NEVER talked about any contractual commitments, penalties or anything related during the 2 hours I spent with the documents I signed, it only mentioned a so-called Auto Renewal Program, which was explained to me as permission to auto-debit the fees from my bank account. Made sense at the time, but then when I tried to cancel...

I sent at least 4 emails and 3 phone calls to both individuals, customer service, and the director of marketing for the training program, telling them I wished to cancel and asking for a response. I did this for 2 weeks solid with nothing from anyone, until one nasty training rep told me I owed $315 on an $845 commitment. Four days later I received a similar notice from member services, saying I owed 11 payments on the "contract".

I used to write contracts for healthcare plans and there is nothing, either in this contract or provided by any representatives of these agencies, that informs the consumer that they are indeed entering into a binding contract. I can ill afford it, but I'm having a lawyer review the documents as well. I will NOT let this happen to me or anyone else in this terrible economy, if I can help it. Beware.

Company: Sports and Fitness Club
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 1001 Morehead Square, Ste 100
Phone: 7044947027
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