Mercy Hospital
Ripoff biling

Health & Medicine

In Januray 2008 a half sister called the Sheriff Department and said I was suicidal. I had no contact with her for over 12 years. I was taken to Mercy Hospital by police where I refused treatment. I was thereabout 2 hours and charged about $5800 for tests I never received. Magically, they produced a bill and the results of the tests. B ig problem was my signature was missing to authorize the tests. The half sister did it to cheat me out of an inheritance, $3-1/2 million. When I saw the doctor, he signed my release in about 10 minutes. (Nearly forgot. Their tests said I had type A blood. My blood type has always been O neg. Kind of explains how they murdered my one friend)

I had a repeat performance today. I was talking to a county health official a out getting group therapy regarding communication skills. I said I was smarter than my VA doctors. She called the sheriff's department and said I was laughing at them ad saying I was smarter then them. I was handcuffed and taken to Mercy. I was placed i a room for about 4 hours. The psychiatrist cam in and signed my release in under 2 minutes. I believe I may have set a world record. Hard telling what this one will cost. I'm good for suing them except no lawer in the county will take a caseagainst the the next county no lawyer will take a case to be tried in this county. Only way to go is Federal and too expensive.

I do have a 23 year long history of depression as a result of unemployment due to an uninsurable left arm. I have had no complaints with my arm since1976 and everything was fine until Nov 1988. I can do anything anyone else can and likely more. But cannot work due to it. And my depression is increased by idioti events such as this as well asthe expenses going with it. My depression caused a hospitilization in 1989 and again in 1999. Both voluntairily for moderat depression due to unemployment and the resulting financial consequences. Simply for a little learning to deal with it as well as recreation as the hospital was nearly a Club Med. And I could walk out and go to reastaurants across the street any time. So it was not like I wore a straight jacket or was in a padded cell. I did peridocially take antidepressants, maybe 4 years out of 23, but they never worked as I had no mental condition other that the unemployment condition. The MNPI as well as14 pshiatristsover the years had me as 100% normal as diagnosis.

This hospital nurdered my 5 best friends. One they transfused the wrong blood type and turned his blood into Jello. The other 4 demonstrated similar malpractice. The hospital should have a sign saying, "All Ye Who Enter Here Are Doomed."

I am politically well connected and I am going to have the woman that started this removed as well as the two officers who handcuffed me and took me there. It should take between 8 and 12 weeks.
Needed to add. I have had 8 surgeries on my left arm. I repeatedly requested the officers to loosen it Instead they tightened them 3 times. Twice by one, once by the other. The cuffs caused an inflamation from contact with two surgical screws and both arms were scratched. And the left bruised. I was friendly all the way and did not resist. I said though this was a very bad experience I was going to try the best of it and laugh about it. I guess they didn't like my laugh. Sheriff's Dept stinks, while city police in 5 surrounding towns are great. So no, I do not hate police, just our sheriff's Dept. I know of 5 people who have been awarded judgements of over $1 against them but will never see a cent. Too much corruption here.

Because I was not allowed to secure my home and turn on my air conditioner, I returned home to a dead pet. When the police locked my place up, while they emplyed the locks, they failed to latch them and anyone could have easily entered. They left my dog outside on his teather without water and food he could not reach. And one officer kicked him 3 times before we left. My dog is a 9 month puppy and very gentle. He does not bite or growl, but he does jump playfully. Andthatwas why the cop kicked him. Additionally the same cop left my garden hoserunning, flooding my yard. And there is more.

Company: Mercy Hospital
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Roseburg
Address: Stewart Parkway
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