WEN by Chaz Dean Read this BEFORE giving them your CREDIT CARD number!

Health & Medicine

Chaz Dean's WEN is a very good line of hair care products.

Problem 1: the cost is 10 - 20 times what you pay at Target or Walmart. Their advertising is not always clear on your total cost, so verify first, before you spend.

Problem 2: they won't give you your money back - I followed all of their "60-Day Money-Back Guarantee steps, including a trip to the Post Office and $10.00 for shipping with certified proof-of - delivery. After I verified they had received the return package, I waited the 4-6 weeks they stipulate for a credit. Nothing. I phoned (the customer service rep. Was courteous, but this time I was told I had waited too long [I hadn't]) and she said that if I faxed them a copy of my return-shipping receipt, they would issue a refund within five days. Did that, but felt like I had been lied to. Three more weeks. You guessed it - NOTHING! However, they have NOT sent me any more product nor made any further charges to my credit card.

ADVICE: If you MUST buy this stuff, and you AGREE that it's worth 10 - 20 times what you've been paying for Infusium or other mid-priced store brands:

1. * FORGET the Money-Back guarantee.

2. * Ask to mail a check for the purchase price. You'll still want to check your bank statement for recurring charges, but if they do that it's a fraudulent charge and there are remedies that the bank can help you with if you spot it soon enough. OR just send them a MONEY ORDER.

3. * Buy the Wen product on eBay, Amazon or similar website - whatever you are comfortable with.

4. * FINALLY, if you have given them your credit card, you have recourse under federal law if you DON'T WAIT 60 DAYS! Notice my description of my actions listed above - when I followed all of their steps to receive a refund, I went WAY past the 60 days that my credit card issuer could have helped me by reversing the charges.

Also See "EDitors Suggestions on how to get your money back into your bank account that someone wrongfully takes it from you" in another member's March 28 post about Guthy-Renker.

Good luck!

Company: Guthy-renker
Country: USA
State: California
City: Foothill Ranch
Address: 25892 Towne Centre Drive
Phone: 8009641892
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Guthy-Renker - Convergys Call Center
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Wen by Chaz Dean
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WEN by Chaz Dean
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Guthy-Renker LLC

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Guthy Renker
Unauthorized charge appeared on my visa debit statement, unable to resolve by phone, had to refute charge with bank

Consumer Fraud