Sunrider International
Canceled my Distributorship, Failed to Communicate impending Loss from their Exclusive Club, Won't Reinstate me

Health & Medicine

Beware, everyone, of doing business with Sunrider International, especially if you wish to become a Distributor for them. On the outside they appear to be a very reputable company. On the Inside, it is a very self-serving company out to enrich its Top Leaders at the expense of the Distributors and Customers.

I was a successful Distributor for them for over 15 years. Now I have been demoted to a mere Customer. And Sunrider International refuses to recognize my mistreatment and refuses to reinstate my Distributorship.

Sunrider is a MLM company, and their Elite Leaders benefit through their inside process of eliminating particularly Distributors and secondarily Customers by changing their processes and failing to communicate those changes to those who are not particularly attentive to these hidden changes which are intended to get rid of, as they would say, non-essential performers who remain on the perimeter and do not communicate very often with their Upline Leaders, especially the Top Leaders in various areas of the Country. They simply employ their technique of altering the period of ordering from once every year to once every 6 months, back and forth, over the years, which for the unwary, eliminate them just as soon as they do not fulfill their requirement before the 6 month mark (which used to be a 1 year Mark). They also change the Quantities Purchases for certain intervals. If you miss the Quantity or Interval, they simply drop you like a rock.

This is just one of their techniques to help you to lose your downline (Distributors & Customers) to those higher up on the Upline Ladder, which, inconsequentially also improves the Top Leader since they no longer have to deal with eliminated Distributors who, in their minds, are Losers.

Sunrider International spends a lot of time concentrating on proper product intake and Elimination.
Unfortunately this reflects in their philosophy as well regarding their Distributors and Customers: Intake as much Money as they possibly can, and Eliminate non-performers.

There remains another problem with Sunrider International An element of Greed! Those who are Top Producers, including the Owners, the Chen Family, are insanely Rich, Wealthy and Prominent. What they say goes, and they constantly raise the product prices considerably more than the cost of living or the cost of the ingredients in their products, claiming they are more expensive because they are a product of special engineering farms that they also control for their production of ingredients in supposedly hermetically sealed environments during the manufacturing process.

For instance, their signature product, NuPlus is comprised mainly of 4 common beans, yet the best price you can get for 1# 6oz. Of NuPlus is $78.00 . Their signature Calli Tea & Fortune Delight are $1.00 per bag . 100 capsules of Dandelion Root is $24. Or $. 24/Cap. Their best Special Toothpaste price is approx. $3./oz. Their famous SunBreeze Balm/Oil best price is $35.00/. 92oz which is comparable to Tiger Balm, mostly Camphor based.

And, I can assure, each year the prices increase substantially. Now wonder the Chens and their Top Leaders are Rich, so much so that the Chens buy them Mansion Homes.

One more thing, if they catch you doing any other MLM Business, they will also Kill your Sunrider Distributorship.

Unless you are an extremely hard worker and are determined to make it to the Top, which is becoming increasingly more difficult, or, unless you are from another country, you will most certainly fail at your endeavors, as have I, even though I have been a successful distributor for the past 15 years. My devoted experience with Sunrider ends up extremely disappointing.

Company: Sunrider International
Country: USA
State: California
City: Torrance
Address: 1625 Abalone
Phone: 3107818096
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