Eureka Forbes
Take money but don't provide promised service

Health & Medicine

I've been applying Eureka Forbes Water Filter for over 2 years now. I closed an Annual Maintenance Agreement with Eureka Forbes to supply the yearly maintenance for that program.

Company: Eureka Forbes
Country: USA
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Entrepreneurs Across America
Ripoff Door to door young sales people

Eureka Forbes / Aqua Guard Water Purifier
Is this the way Eureka Forbes works!

Eureka Forbes
Money scam

Eureka Forbes
Worst Service

Eureka Forbse
Bitter taste water

Eureka Forbes
Customers service is abysmal

Eureka Forbes Limited
Breach of Trust, Violation of Business Ethics, Cheating

Eureka Forbes / Vacuum Cleaner
Nr. 1 cheats in this world!

Lady Of America
Ripoff dishonest tatic in getting peoples money

Appera Whitening
RIP OFF, No customer service to speak with, won't allow to cancel, still charged me, no product