Offered free sample and now keeps taking apx. $160.00 a month from my account. They avoid any contact from me

Health & Medicine

I answered an add for a free sample of two of the products they offer and I did recieve them. They did not tell me that I would be set up to recieve a bottle of each every month and that they would take $160.00 (aprox.) from my account. I am not even recieving the product but they ARE taking the money. I am going to have to close my checking account to be free from them. I have come accross other people who also had the same experiance as I am having and they also had to close there accounts. How can they get away with this for so long? Where is our government?

Company: Leanspa
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Orange
Address: 181 Marsh Hill Rd
Phone: 18008399990
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After ordering free sample & paying s&h cost with my credit card. After about two weeks my checking account was debited $79.99 witch was not authorized

Mineral Science Makeup - Purity
Offer sample for minimal charge and enroll you in club and takes money from your account for product you didn't know you were sent

Charged my credit card for a month supply bottle of the product which I never recieved and cannot contact to cancel

SWM / NUBODI DON'T be fooled by the "FREE SAMPLE" promise

Consumer Report

SWM / Nubodi Charged my credit card without permission

Derma Juvenate
Consumer Report

Ultra Life Fitness
We ordered a free sample of their product and agreed to pay $4.97 shipping only. They have been taking money out of our account ever since and will not stop. Closed my account to stop them

Ripoff All in all, for a free sample of cream I didn't like, I am paying a total of $24.89 Tarzana California

Revitalize Health and Beauty
Consumer Report