Youth nutrition scam

Health & Medicine

This 'company' has taken 2 lots of $99.95 a total of 66.13 a time out of my bank account today. They also did this last week, for the same amount without my permission. As a lot of you were expecting a free trial off them for the standard p&p price of 2.49. I have emailed the 'company' twice and both emails have been returned to me, I have phoned there 3 telephone numbers on several occasions, says this number is out of use! I am currently going through a dispute with my bank saying I did not sign up for any services just the free trial, I have had to cancel both of my bank cards as these are the cards they have used, I am hoping to get my money back soon but who knows?! I don't know how these people can do these things and get away with it, it has made me feel sick knowing I'm not the only one, its unfair and wrong... Does anyone know what we can do? I have tried everything to contact this 'company' & got nowhere! Do not buy or even look at this website!!!

Company: Trytadalafil
Country: USA
Phone: 18776192649448082
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Youth nutrition
Trytadalafil fraudulently removed money from my bank account

Youth Nutrition
Trytadalafil CARD FRAUD

Youth Nutrition Beware extra charges on "free Trails"

Youth nutrition "TRYFADALAFIL"
Youth nutrition "TRYFADALAFIL" Offered 6 week trial f.O.C. Apart from postage. Goods did not arrive. Checked my credit card to find the company had taken 132 from my a/c

Youth Nutrition
Trytadalafil Youth Nutrition are conducting a scam

Youth nutrition Ordered free trial, only pay for shipping and they took another 132.10 from my account!


Youth Nutrition
Trytadalafil trial supplements, hidden charges!

Trytadalafil youth nutrition
This company took money out of my account without me knowing it I had no idea they were involved with leanspa it was a scam

Trytadalafil/youth nutrients
Took 2x 65 from bank account tried to cancel no phones in use email no reply contactedfraud sqad 03001232040 to report them, london based, very help full