Life Trytadafil
Diet Pill for colon cleanse Found out can't trust everything you see on the Interenet especially when it comes Diet Pill Companies

Health & Medicine

Last night while on Facebook I saw an advertisement for Diet Pills to help with access fat from post pregnancies and to help cleanse the colon. I clicked on the advertisement the company was telling to me to try their prodcut for 30days and the price was $3.95 then with shipping and handling the total would come to $6.95, which I was ok with since my husband is the only employed at this time.

Well later on that night I needed to check on my bank account, when I went to see on my account I was charged $99.95 and also charged with $6.95. Then on my account the name of the company was titled Youth Nutrition, which really confused me. Today I went to do some more research on this company, well I tried to call the customer service line. The first announcement told me to hold for the next available customer service associate, then 2 seconds later I got a message stating at this time our company is closed and our hours are Mon.-Fri. 9-6 eastern standard time, which I knew something was fishy with this company when I knew it was only 3:30 eastern time when I was calling.

So I called my bank and explained to them what happened they said at this time they can put a block on my bank card so this company could not take anymore money from me. Since the amount was in processing standard they couldn't really do anything for me except for me to keep an eye on my account and once it goes through then I can call my Banks Electronic Claims and have them file report and get the money back for me since this company is known as Fraud.

Company: Life Trytadafil
Country: USA
Phone: 18776192649
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C.O.D. Pha—r: m. Acy irenej.,,, starter2htmlC. O.D. Pha—r: m. ACY IRENE Hankins C.O.D. Pha—r: m. Acy easymeds4u big diet pill ripoff