Lucille Roberts
Ripped me off, dont buy a membership unless you read this... Stonybrook

Health & Medicine

I too went to lucille roberts 2 times a week and then last week i went there and the front lady at the desk stopped me. She told me I had a balance of $101.00 and they havent taken out of my checking acct in the last 4 months. Now they have all my information. Its not my fault that they havent taken out.

They should check who they have in customer service dept. And make sure their employees are doing their jobs b/c obvoiusly they haven been doing there jobs. Make sure that this dosnt happen to you. I had the money set aside each month for them to take out. Its not my fault they diddnt

I would not reccomend buying a membership to this gym. Go else where. They dont stay open late and as the week goes on the classes are less and less. THey dont even offer half the classes they say are on the paper.

As soon as my memebership is up i will not renew. Unless they really make some changes made to this gym.

Company: Lucille Roberts
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Stoneybrook
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Lucille Roberts Figure Salon co is only out for your money ripoff BBB bad rating too

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Is definetly a RIP OFF

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Lucille Roberts
Terrible pople terrible customer service