Doctor Howard Ginsburg
Real Doctors? Scamington and Quackenburg

Health & Medicine

During the summer of 1998 I visited Doctor Timothy Harrington, 2910 N Third Ave, Phoenix, Arizona, tel 406-3477, because I had been advised by Dr. Gallway, 1125 S Beverly Way, Ca, tel 1-800-956-6724 that I needed surgery on my lower back. Dr Gallway was not a provider for United Health Care, but Dr Harrington was.

Dr. Harrington, with my wife as a witness, said that I needed major reconstructive surgery, but he did not want to do it, that I should see Dr. Ginsburg, 222 W Thomas, Suite 307, tel 264-7111, for a second opinion.

Dr. Harrington's office staff made the appointment, assuring me that Dr. Ginsburg was a colleague and good friend, and even showed me in United's book that he was one of my plan's doctors.

I made them show me, because at that time, many of my friend's forewarned me that their medical bills were not getting paid by United Health Care.

After my appointment with Dr Ginsburg, my wife and I agreed that because he ignored the mylegram, MRI films, EMG, and the other sophisticated test results, he refused to answer our questions, he ordered his own duplicate basic x-rays for me to pay for, he wanted me to buy a fourth back brace even though I told him that I already had 3 others just like the one he wanted to sell me to try... Again, and his lack of bedside manners and respect for his patients and their time, Dr Ginsburg was by far the worse doctor of any kind that either of us had seen or heard of in our 47 years!

To make a long story somewhat shorter, I received a threatening call from Jim Burns, Associated Collection Service, 810 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, Az, tel 265-0588, the evening of June 3,1999. Jim said that if I did not fax him $382.70 for Dr Ginsburgs bill of 11-11-98 by 2:00 pm of the next day, he would personally see that my perfect credit would be ruined by that evening. He added that United Health Care had refused to pay because Dr Ginsburg was currently not on the plan.

I assumed that it was another Arizona scam, so I hung up and immediately called the Attorney Generals Office and the Better Business Bureau and United Health Care.

To my surprise and amazement all three organizations assured me that Jim's threat was perfectly legal in this state, and that if I did not want my credit damaged, the only way out was to pay the bill, then appeal.

I called Jim back the next day, and paid the bill.

In the aftermath of phone calls I made, United Health Care helped convince me that I was scammed by the two doctors Harrington and Ginsburg. Their arrogance and later offer to lie about my visit so I might still collect from the health plan, assured me that both were crooks.

As you can imagine, there is much more I would be happy to share, but I really do not expect you to help me at this late date.

I would, though, appreciate you assisting others in the future with their problems with United Health Care in general, and doctors Harrington and Ginsburg. Aka: United Death Care, Dr. Scamington and Dr. Quackenburg.

Company: Doctor Howard Ginsburg
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 222 W Thomas, Suite 307
Phone: 6022647111
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