Swill Sciences
Vita Cleanse RIPOFF! Tried to Get Money Back, The A

Health & Medicine

I ran across this site that appeared to be a story written by a News Reporter.
In the story this "Julia" talks about a Acai Berry "Weight Loss Program" FREE TRIAL offer (which comes from the company "LeanSpa" AKA "ChromeMate") that suggests using a detox along with it's product, and then gives a link to a free trial for their "favorite" detox pills from another company ("Vita Cleanse" AKA "Swiss Sciences").

Both are a SCAM.

The Free Trial detox pill they suggested was only suppose to cost $1.95 in total, and that was for shipping (usually $4.95, but "Julia" gives a coupon for lower shipping costs). Well turns out, somewhere in the long page of the Terms & Conditions, is says that you will also be charged $69.95 EVERY MONTH, by signing up for this "FREE Trial".

The part that makes it even worse is how they trick you with the whole "News Article" about it, but the whole thing is fake!

I haven't gotten a ridiculous charge from the other company "LeanSpa" yet, thank goodness, and even if they try to charge me for something hidden in the Terms & Conditions, now it won't work because I have already cancelled the card I used.

This company needs to be brought down. They are all over the internet, and are tricking people left and right.
Here is a list of some of the sites that are scamming people, and this isn't even all of them:

http://www.usahealthnews.org/reports/dieting-fitness/acai-berry-products-reviewed.html? T202id=2137&t202kw=acai berry
http://onlinehealthnews7.com/us/us4.php? T=1239000011
http://healthnews5.net/report/acai-berry-report.php? Tid=six pack abs
http://www.news7special. Tv/health/? Utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=acai-berry&utm_campaign=google-n7s
http://news5reports.com/health/acai-report/ab.php? T202id=66198&t202kw=PN
http://consumershealthreports.com/vc/healtha/index4.php? Project=59&id=896838
http://www.channel6reports.com/health/? N=207&k=About.com - XA1
http://www.newyorkchronicle.org/? T202id=225276&t202kw=vc
http://channel9healthbeat.com/diet/1/? Sid=PUL618/

Company: Swill Sciences
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 400 Cleveland St, Clearwater FL
Phone: 7274611070
Site: swisssciences.com
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Acai Berry
Rip Off Websites for Acai Berry

Acai Berry
Extreme Acai diet cleanse Davie FL

Acai Berry Detox, Colon Cleanse
Acai Berry Detox - Colon Cleanse - Life Cleanse Charged credit card for unauthorized product Life Cleanse and hide 14-day trial information on Acai Berry Detox and Colon Cleanse which would have charged $79.95 each

Acai Berry Detox
Pretended to provide a 3.95 free trial bottle of Acai Berry, charged 87.13 on credit card

Acai Berry Products - Selfhelp
Scam! Do Not Buy Anything From Them! Scam! Free trial period of Acai Berry is a Rip off. Beware!

Acai Berry Breeze
Detox-Trial-Members. Co3370 Charged (illegally) my credit account $84.79 for items I did not authorize and did not want

Colon Cleanse 3000
Acai berry the internet ad was for acai berry with a free trial of colon cleanse, it said there was a 30 day free trial scottsdale Internet

Extreme Acai Berry 500
Acai Berry is a rip off don't fall for it

A Swiss Sciences Company Channel 5 Health News from MSN News linked to a false scam add on a free trial of acai berry. They charged my credit card for $169.95 unauthorized and refuse to refund my money

NUBODI - Acai Berry Colon Cleanse - Extreme Acai Berry
All Natural Cleansing Solution NUBODI - Acai Berry Colon Cleanse - Extreme Acai Berry Ordered trial of Acai Colon Cleanse for $3.95 s&h charge never received 14 day trial but $89.31 charge