Cord Blood Registry
CBR told my sister that she would have enough stem cells to treat her daughter with Leukemia. This was not the case and the child died as a result

Health & Medicine

CBR told my sister than she would be able to treat her child with Leukemia with the stem cells from the cord blood of the second child. This was not the case and the child died because there were not enough stem cells in the cord blood alone. Had she known, she would have preserved the greater number of stem cells with

Company: Cord Blood Registry
Country: USA
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Dr. Sharon Mcquillan
She did nothing to me personally

Man Develops Malignant Brain Tumors & DIes After Receiving Stem Cells From Dr. Rader Of Medra

Dr. Sharon McQuillan

Medra highly suspect of manipulating and removing fetal stem cell topix board posts to silence the truth. Patients involved in promoting pyramid scheme

Medra Dr William C Rader
Dr William C Rader of Medra Mexican Clinic Stem Cell Fraud Scam

Medra Dr William C Rader
Dr William C Rader of Medra Mexican Clinic Stem Cell Fraud Scam

William C Rader Stem Cell Scam Being Shut Down in Dominican Republic

X-Cel Center

Dr. William C. Rader, M.D. We paid $30,000 to Medra, to help my husband Charles Pope who has Alzheimer, nothing worked

X-Cell Center
X Cell Center Company offers false hopes with stem cell treatment. I got scammed, lost thousands with no guarantee, don't trust them. Austin, Texas