Bella Brite

Health & Medicine

This product/company is a scam! These people should all be fired and never be able to have a company like this. I cancelled my order and now i have to pay to send an unopened box i havent even touched! What a crock! Its suppose to be a free trial and its not! They dont tell you the truth about anything and i was lucky to be able to cancell the order!

Company: Bella Brite
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
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Bella Clear
Bella Brite Fraudulent charges imposed for "free trial" offe

Bella Brite

Bella Brite
Bella Brite's says 8 days to review product. NOT! They withdrew $79.95 on the 7th day of trial period

Bella Brite
Please beware! Bella Brite is an internet scam!

Bella Brite

Consumer Report

Bella Brite

Bella Brite
Stealing from Consumers

Hydra White
Deceptive, fraudulent, scamming, DO NOT TRUST THEM! It is a ploy NOT a trial... And they lie and partner with the equally loathe some company that sucks bella brite

Ivory White / Bella Brite
Made 2 typo errors. Address and Christian name Name spelled correctly on Cancellation verfication but not on order. Same with address. But I was told they only put down what is submiited